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SIR-Spheres® is a registered trademark of Sirtex SIR-Spheres Pty Ltd.

By submitting this Credit Card Payment Form (“Form”), the Customer gives Sirtex Medical, Inc. (“Sirtex”) permission to debit Customer’s account for the amount indicated on or after the indicated date. Such submission constitutes Customer’s acceptance of Sirtex’s Order and Cancellation Policy, a copy of which is available upon request, as well as certification that all required steps (i.e. insurance approval, lab work, etc.) have been performed prior to ordering and that Customer is appropriately licensed to handle the products ordered herein.

Customer certifies they are an authorized user of this credit card and this payment will not be disputed with the applicable credit card company provided the transaction corresponds to the terms indicated herein. If for any reason payment cannot be completed via the credit card provided on this Form, Customer shall be liable for any outstanding balances due.

Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications for Use: SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres are indicated for the treatment of unresectable metastatic liver tumors from primary colorectal cancer with adjuvant intrahepatic artery chemotherapy (IHAC) of FUDR (Floxuridine). Side Effects: Common side effects are fever, transient decrease of hemoglobin, mild to moderate abnormality of liver function tests, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Potential serious effects due to exposure to high radiation include acute pancreatitis, radiation pneumonitis, acute gastritis, radiation hepatitis, and acute cholecystitis. Consult the Instructions for Use for a complete listing of indications, contraindications, side effects, warnings, and precautions.